ivyknoll: Lucy, 26 Jan 2009
ivyknoll: Lucy sleeping
ivyknoll: The face of an angel...
ivyknoll: Lucy at play
ivyknoll: Ken and Lucy
ivyknoll: Wayne, Ken and Lucy at the summit of Ben Chonzie
ivyknoll: Lucy knackered
ivyknoll: Lucy's nose
ivyknoll: At full pelt
ivyknoll: Hoping
ivyknoll: Ex-ter-mi-nate!
ivyknoll: Post-op
ivyknoll: Looks like a fine day
ivyknoll: The blue ball
ivyknoll: I smell a pheasant....
ivyknoll: Lucy trying out the new hall rug
ivyknoll: Rain, rain go away....
ivyknoll: Lucy's sore leg
ivyknoll: Faster than a speeding bullet
ivyknoll: Almost there
ivyknoll: Sound asleep
ivyknoll: Not ready to take the plunge
ivyknoll: Off lead
ivyknoll: Lucy's
ivyknoll: Excuse me, but are you going to eat both those carrots?
ivyknoll: A terrier among pigeons
ivyknoll: Lucy in Helensburgh
ivyknoll: Waiting for Mr Mole
ivyknoll: Lucy and JJ
ivyknoll: Resting by the Labrador Pool