Iro {Ivy style33}:
Humble lunch...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Yesterday's breakfast
Iro {Ivy style33}: bamboo bowl...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
..setting the table for breakfast...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Breakfast setup
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Breakfast setup
Iro {Ivy style33}:
There shall be dinner...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
There shall be dinner...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
...set the dinner table early today...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Snack time....
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Summer feeling...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Summer feeling...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Summer feeling....
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Marzipan Stollen & toasted bread...
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Table setting / layering
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Girl talk. . .
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Into good use . . .
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Natural materials & colours
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Reflected . . . as usual . . .
Iro {Ivy style33}:
4 = the # of security
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Arithmetic & Geometry
Iro {Ivy style33}:
White - naturals & a touch of gold
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Snack time
Iro {Ivy style33}:
On the coffeetable
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Happy Easter / tea table setting
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Happy Easter / tea table setting
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Saturday's brunch.....hungry ? ; )
Iro {Ivy style33}:
Eating numbers ;)