Ivan's page:
Horse-trading at the camel festival, Pushkar
Ivan's page:
Eyeing up the opposition
Ivan's page:
Some camels are just naughty!
Ivan's page:
Waiting for a bed-time story
Ivan's page:
Which one do you fancy?
Ivan's page:
It will cost you to see my face
Ivan's page:
At least the camel's laughing!
Ivan's page:
Ivan's page:
Some nearly black and white camels!
Ivan's page:
The camels are coming!
Ivan's page:
Camel traders pow-wow!
Ivan's page:
Horsing about!
Ivan's page:
Camels at Sundown
Ivan's page:
Wakey wakey!
Ivan's page:
Joy-riding at the Pushkar Camel Festival
Ivan's page:
Give us a hand!
Ivan's page:
OMG - so much wind!
Ivan's page:
I think she's just popped out, mate!
Ivan's page:
Ivan's page:
Recyclers - lost among the bags
Ivan's page:
Have you been playing around again?
Ivan's page:
Mother and child - same the world over!
Ivan's page:
Keep away - it's got measles!
Ivan's page:
All the fun of the fair!
Ivan's page:
Two fillings and a crown....
Ivan's page:
Any bush will do!