ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: 28 years later
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: My fiancee and her prom date
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: All dolled up and ready for the prom
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: Looking cool in the kitchen
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: Skateboarders at Dupont Fountain
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: A snowy day in the Dupont summer
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: Climbing out of the C&O Canal
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: My friends are such wonderful people
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: Kalorama Park
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: Papi
ivan | sciupac:
Looking Into the Past: Mami