itwasntandy: The pre-party meet up
itwasntandy: Rob's off on Sabbatical for 6 months
itwasntandy: Where's (w)Ollie?
itwasntandy: The big wheel went quite high
itwasntandy: DBAs posing
itwasntandy: Pointing
itwasntandy: Cheesecake
itwasntandy: Incoming Dogems
itwasntandy: Speeding dogems..
itwasntandy: Go that way!
itwasntandy: I am going to ram you very soon... :)
itwasntandy: this is how we drive in portugal!
itwasntandy: Gotcha!
itwasntandy: Collision imminent! :)
itwasntandy: High-five
itwasntandy: There! Onward!
itwasntandy: we're going to hit you!
itwasntandy: Don't be fooled by those smiles.. your dodgem is gonna be rammed
itwasntandy: thumbs up
itwasntandy: away we go
itwasntandy: turn! more!
itwasntandy: what are you doing?
itwasntandy: Carousel
itwasntandy: Tim posing..
itwasntandy: 3 amigos
itwasntandy: beer, an essential ingredient
itwasntandy: Shhh.. silent disco..
itwasntandy: the a and p crew getting down to the phat beats
itwasntandy: the dance floor
itwasntandy: you talking to me?