itwasntandy: blizzard in the thames
itwasntandy: taxi in snow
itwasntandy: snow by street lamps
itwasntandy: bikes in the snow
itwasntandy: alfa 159, covered in snow
itwasntandy: bmw z8 covered in snow
itwasntandy: tyre tracks
itwasntandy: driving in the snow
itwasntandy: footprints in the snow
itwasntandy: one scared delivery driver..
itwasntandy: my footprint in the snow
itwasntandy: mum's car
itwasntandy: streetlamp in the snow
itwasntandy: streetlamp in the snow again
itwasntandy: snow on branches
itwasntandy: snow on branches
itwasntandy: south kensington in the snow
itwasntandy: st lukes church
itwasntandy: snowmen by st lukes church
itwasntandy: finally the chelsea tractors have a point