itwasntandy: Me, with Steve's Sun glasses (taken by Steve)
itwasntandy: Steve, with my sunglasses
itwasntandy: Marie + Satoko (behind the sign)
itwasntandy: We are hiring
itwasntandy: The transport team office
itwasntandy: Ludo, with his shirt on
itwasntandy: Cancer Sticks
itwasntandy: Libby in front of the dragon
itwasntandy: Willem, hard at work
itwasntandy: Lying Frog
itwasntandy: Hanging Monkey
itwasntandy: Jonathan, can't face it
itwasntandy: My bad parking
itwasntandy: Pim, at the watercooler
itwasntandy: Martije, smiling as usual
itwasntandy: Richard, claiming to have a bad hair day
itwasntandy: Aaron, pulling a face
itwasntandy: Rob, looking relaxed
itwasntandy: Pier... after discovering a bug
itwasntandy: Stephane, in the Java Weenie Joffice :)
itwasntandy: Ant, in the Ops Office