its just brent: Billie Holiday
its just brent: Note to self, to and from my Grandpa.
its just brent: While at a record store, a stranger bought a Nat King Cole Christmas record and dropped it into my brother and his wife's shopping bag: "Merry Christmas." So we're listening to that.
its just brent: Bacon Tetris.
its just brent: These kids.
its just brent: That's what she said.
its just brent: Onward and upward.
its just brent: @tmacandcheese and his happy-to-be-home-face are a sight for sore eyes.
its just brent: INDEED.
its just brent: From the archives: @mandyadellecontreras
its just brent: Running amock.
its just brent: Oh, hey.
its just brent: @lyciashrum and @tmacandcheese built a fire pit in our backyard today. Come visit.
its just brent: Nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana.
its just brent: Sunday afternoon art-making.