itsjustanalias: Come and get me coppers....
itsjustanalias: Chestnut drop in centre
itsjustanalias: 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433...
itsjustanalias: Some days I feel so insubstantial
itsjustanalias: If it's spring it must be bluebells
itsjustanalias: Sometimes the thought comes unbidden, what if I took a kiwi and...
itsjustanalias: A wee dram of peaty goodness
itsjustanalias: You think the pitch gets like this on its own?
itsjustanalias: Sunset at 3:20pm, pretty chilly
itsjustanalias: I'm still here copper...
itsjustanalias: Moose v Bear: After hours
itsjustanalias: Specular radish
itsjustanalias: That way Lancashire lies
itsjustanalias: My sister does wuthering....
itsjustanalias: Dressing can be a challenge
itsjustanalias: Unmotvitatoring
itsjustanalias: Leeds City Council regrets hiring that mind control device
itsjustanalias: The overenthusiastic cairn in Norland
itsjustanalias: Welly-boots for puddle jumping
itsjustanalias: Considering the approaching autumn without clothes
itsjustanalias: pennine mate
itsjustanalias: Cyclopean jelly babys
itsjustanalias: Specular... strobistery
itsjustanalias: Being Lon Chaney...
itsjustanalias: Where to grow your insect army
itsjustanalias: Chemical...
itsjustanalias: Calf Crag looking down Easedale
itsjustanalias: Beds are for...
itsjustanalias: It's supposed to be summer, she said