itsjustanalias: Crack in´ water
itsjustanalias: To the shops...
itsjustanalias: The pod people
itsjustanalias: To the forest
itsjustanalias: The Old Patagonian Express
itsjustanalias: A short step from here to tree hugging
itsjustanalias: Linelight
itsjustanalias: La Ruta 40
itsjustanalias: Missed, Patagonia
itsjustanalias: Patagonian Sky
itsjustanalias: ... so there they were, watching guanacos, and they decided to spit paint at their hands... this is how cultures start
itsjustanalias: Stationary formation
itsjustanalias: Sometimes you need a sense of scale
itsjustanalias: Hand me six thousand litres of gin and a lake of tonic... we´re going to need it
itsjustanalias: If you let the wind blow you where it will, you end up with all the other drifters
itsjustanalias: The ragged end
itsjustanalias: End of the world for these guys
itsjustanalias: Káitek, queen of Tierra del Fuego
itsjustanalias: Mate at the glacier
itsjustanalias: ... a minute´s silence in Ushuaia
itsjustanalias: Bahia de Ushuaia, al fin de Enero
itsjustanalias: A child´s perfect mountain
itsjustanalias: Belgrano seems a little sensitive to the sun
itsjustanalias: Giant penguins found in Chubut
itsjustanalias: One day I´ll fly away....
itsjustanalias: Mar del plata?
itsjustanalias: Bloody humans, always in the way....
itsjustanalias: Liz shrinks
itsjustanalias: Will it? D'ya think?