Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbird lead pilots perform a flight maneuver
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbird crew
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds...take off.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbird lead pilot
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds in a flight maneuver.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds: Lead and opposition lead cross over.
Its Curtis Lee!: F4 Phantom 9622
Its Curtis Lee!: Nevada Gov. Sandoval greets the Thunderbird pilots.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds prepare for take off.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbird landing.
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds fly by in formation
Its Curtis Lee!: Thunderbirds