it's a doll world☺: heart statue2
it's a doll world☺: heart statue
it's a doll world☺: the hospital has a lot of these
it's a doll world☺: unique perspective
it's a doll world☺: the sky at 11am
it's a doll world☺: zucherburg's building
it's a doll world☺: for dropping off patients
it's a doll world☺: prettiness of the hospital
it's a doll world☺: mark zucherburg's building
it's a doll world☺: heart statue
it's a doll world☺: more heart statues
it's a doll world☺: mural on hospital grounds
it's a doll world☺: more statues - side of heart
it's a doll world☺: the view - from office at hospital
it's a doll world☺: outside my job - at hospital
it's a doll world☺: mural - sfg hospital