it's a doll world☺: ebay pic - looks like i'll be gettin her
it's a doll world☺: Their Favorite Doll~
it's a doll world☺: OMG!! - what's this?
it's a doll world☺: SHE'S HEEERRRE!
it's a doll world☺: ut ooh!! LOL
it's a doll world☺: getting closer...
it's a doll world☺: Snel and the tree
it's a doll world☺: can you tell?
it's a doll world☺: Befores and Afters..
it's a doll world☺: thinking about lids..
it's a doll world☺: then there's this idea..
it's a doll world☺: Hangin' Around