dddoc1965: Angela McGredor Hawkhead Cemetery (2)
dddoc1965: Angela McGredor Hawkhead Cemetery (1)
dddoc1965: Kerry Whitehill hawkhead Cemetery (1)
dddoc1965: Kerry Whitehill hawkhead Cemetery (2)
dddoc1965: Kerry Whitehill hawkhead Cemetery (3)
dddoc1965: Wee flowers
dddoc1965: Bobby Oneil r.i.p
dddoc1965: blue flower seed heads
dddoc1965: chana 8 feb 1962 to 14 aug 2018
dddoc1965: chana 8 feb 1962 to 14 aug 2018 c
dddoc1965: Yellow rose
dddoc1965: Woodside in the Mist 3
dddoc1965: blue flower heads
dddoc1965: Remembrance photographer
dddoc1965: woodside wind damage jan5 2012
dddoc1965: Sunset Monument Silhouette
dddoc1965: buisness card back
dddoc1965: Blue bell Hill in the sun
dddoc1965: Tall stones standing
dddoc1965: John Bollan woodside grave yard april 7th 2012 bw "cropped"
dddoc1965: John Bollan woodside grave yard april 7th 2012
dddoc1965: Angle
dddoc1965: Blue bell Hill
dddoc1965: Woodside in the Mist 1
dddoc1965: woodside "deer" wildlife may3 2012 (1)
dddoc1965: A pair of Fox "Woody & Hilda"
dddoc1965: Wm. MacKean Provost of Paisley 1879 to 1882 & Wife Mary White Muir
dddoc1965: Wm. MacKean Provost of Paisley 1879 to 1882 head stone
dddoc1965: Wm. MacKean Provost of Paisley 1879 to 1882 graveside
dddoc1965: remembrance cards (30)