iTod47: Santa Cruz!
iTod47: kids play in monterey
iTod47: monterey frolicking
iTod47: Monterey
iTod47: View of Seaside from Monterey
iTod47: IMG_7970.JPG
iTod47: splash
iTod47: Some restaurant in Monterey
iTod47: the bay from monterey
iTod47: Monterey waves
iTod47: IMG_8022.JPG
iTod47: Cheesy seafood place in Monterey
iTod47: Monterey by day
iTod47: Me and Mom @ Cannery Row in Monterey
iTod47: at lombard
iTod47: GGB, sailbot, rock
iTod47: GGB
iTod47: SF in the distance
iTod47: woohoo
iTod47: me at the GGB, SF in background
iTod47: can u hear me now?
iTod47: kickin it
iTod47: SF Beach
iTod47: Big Girl
iTod47: Snickers at the beach in SF