Itinerant Wanderer: National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Itinerant Wanderer: Statue of Pope John Paul II
Itinerant Wanderer: Statue of Pope John Paul II
Itinerant Wanderer: Sacred Heart of Jesus
Itinerant Wanderer: Madonna and Child
Itinerant Wanderer: St. Paul the Hermit
Itinerant Wanderer: St. Anne and the Child Mary
Itinerant Wanderer: Nawiedzenie Świętej Elżbiety - The Visitation
Itinerant Wanderer: Ofiarowanie Jezusa w Świątyni - The Presentation
Itinerant Wanderer: Objawienie się Jezusa na Weselu w Kanie - The Wedding at Cana
Itinerant Wanderer: Przemienienie na górze Tabor - The Transfiguration of Jesus
Itinerant Wanderer: Modlitwa Jezusa w Ogrójcu - The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden
Itinerant Wanderer: Cierniem Ukoronowanie - The Crowning with Thorns
Itinerant Wanderer: Dźwiganie Krzyża - The Carrying of the Cross
Itinerant Wanderer: Zmartwychwstanie - The Resurrection
Itinerant Wanderer: Zesłanie Ducha Świętego - The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Itinerant Wanderer: Ukoronowanie Maryi - The Coronation of Mary
Itinerant Wanderer: Resurrection
Itinerant Wanderer: Memorial Cross
Itinerant Wanderer: Hussar Memorial
Itinerant Wanderer: General Wladyslaw Anders
Itinerant Wanderer: Ignacy Jan Paderewski
Itinerant Wanderer: Ronald Reagan Statue
Itinerant Wanderer: John Joseph Cardinal Krol
Itinerant Wanderer: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
Itinerant Wanderer: Relief Sculpture
Itinerant Wanderer: The Cross and Crown
Itinerant Wanderer: Our Lady of Fatima