Little Italy Photography:
Aachen Cathedral
Little Italy Photography:
a.k.a. Charlemagne's Cathederal
Little Italy Photography:
"Civitas Dei"
Little Italy Photography:
Chamber Music
Little Italy Photography:
Mosaics Pews
Little Italy Photography:
The Carolingian Octagon (Palatine chapel)
Little Italy Photography:
Shrine of the Virgin Mary
Little Italy Photography:
Stained glass windows of the Choir!
Little Italy Photography:
The Marienschrein (Shrine of Mary)
Little Italy Photography:
Ambon of Henry II
Little Italy Photography:
Little Italy Photography:
Aachen in Fall
Little Italy Photography:
Town Square
Little Italy Photography:
Little Italy Photography:
Little Italy Photography:
Saint Anne
Little Italy Photography:
Geometry of the Palatine Chapel
Little Italy Photography:
Let the Choir Sing!
Little Italy Photography:
Aachen Cathedral
Little Italy Photography:
Aachener Dom
Little Italy Photography:
Aachen Cathedral
Little Italy Photography:
Neo Byzantine Ceiling
Little Italy Photography:
The Golden Age of the Golden Dome
Little Italy Photography:
Silver, Gold, and Violet Blues
Little Italy Photography:
Dome and the Candelabra
Little Italy Photography:
Wall of Flowering Plants
Little Italy Photography:
Die Lampe, Das Haus und der Kirchturm!
Little Italy Photography:
Steeple of Pfarramt St. Foillan Pfarrbüro Aachen-Mitte
Little Italy Photography:
Granus Tower, Aachener Rathaus, Aachen, Germany
Little Italy Photography:
Aachener Rathaus, Aachen, Germany