Little Italy Photography: Battle of Ostia
Little Italy Photography: School Is In Session!
Little Italy Photography: Let This Cup Pass From Me
Little Italy Photography: Immaculate Trinity
Little Italy Photography: Nero's Guardian - Juno Sospita
Little Italy Photography: The Battle of Ostia
Little Italy Photography: Vatican Museum Dome
Little Italy Photography: Upward Accession!
Little Italy Photography: Oh What A Ceiling!
Little Italy Photography: Chair fit for a Queen?
Little Italy Photography: Golden Ceilings!
Little Italy Photography: The Immaculate Conception
Little Italy Photography: Vatican Museum Terrace
Little Italy Photography: "Tell Baron Brunwald that Lord Clarence McDonald and his lovely assistant are here to view the tapestries." - Indiana Jones
Little Italy Photography: Battle of Constantine against Maxentius
Little Italy Photography: Triumph of Christian Religion
Little Italy Photography: Please No Pictures
Little Italy Photography: Quanto Costa di spinaci Popeye?