italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: XRX Files Nowherland Nenhures
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: Belem Ver O Peso XRX (flickr dleted all) ::(
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: Xrx Marzamemi (Sicily)
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: Dedicated to an Angel without wings
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: ......Before I met you
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: Happy Birthday C.A.R.L.O.
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: I wish the best for the holiday My dear Friends from the bottom of my heart
italianoadoravel .BACK ,,,,,,,,,,,,: "crossing the street" Beatles (Title By Claudio Ar)