Gothic74: Steps
Gothic74: Waiting
Gothic74: Work in progress
Gothic74: Don't leave me, I don't give up.
Gothic74: The Corridor
Gothic74: Escape from Alcatraz
Gothic74: Work in progress II
Gothic74: Crack
Gothic74: Easter Breakfast
Gothic74: Coffee Break
Gothic74: Temptation
Gothic74: “Rip Jim, thank you for building history!”
Gothic74: IMG_20120405_144416.jpg
Gothic74: Snowhite is Dead
Gothic74: let me get the hell outta here
Gothic74: Bella, l' Infanzia
Gothic74: Doggy
Gothic74: Taking a ride
Gothic74: Food Shopping
Gothic74: Hotdog in padella
Gothic74: Diana
Gothic74: In motion
Gothic74: Parco degli Acquedotti
Gothic74: Parco degli Acquedotti
Gothic74: Smith
Gothic74: Ponteggio
Gothic74: Ethnic Bus