Samsung SMART CAMERA: NXmini Kim Ji Eun
Samsung SMART CAMERA: NXmini Choo Jong Deok
Samsung SMART CAMERA: NXmini Ann Hye Yeon
Гриша Союзов: первый снег
Jérôme Meynen /hell'o !: Mixed media on wood #hellomonsters
tellas.: 64 mani
Julian Manzelli: Basicamente Complejo
t_e_m_p_e_t_e: FLAIR magazine
t_e_m_p_e_t_e: spend more time together
t_e_m_p_e_t_e: go walk
t_e_m_p_e_t_e: Raketa magazine
neli0: Dérive...
Yuri Averin: Autumn for my Beautiful Princess
Onesidezero: Felt like reposting this little summary of my old work before I start putting up new stuff. I've been trying different techniques recently but still staying fairly minimal. Looking forward to getting some new pieces done over the next few weeks :-)
Natalie Butova: 000034650027
Natalie Butova: 000034650022
spitsbergen: Wild west
Bilos Mantho: "Grace"
Stas Dobry: one year later.
薛慧瑩: 我的陶作
pilipo: eco bag
pilipo: in attesa di niente
pilipo: Communication Arts illustration annual 53