istarman: Flight
istarman: Flight 2
istarman: Flight 3
istarman: My rental
istarman: The line to pick up tix
istarman: This was a fraction of the line
istarman: Giant BlizzCON sign
istarman: Podcasters' iPhones
istarman: Shawn and Molly
istarman: Shawn, Molly, Me, Patrick, Dave (Bergisst from L80ETC), Precious
istarman: Even more Podcasters' iPhones
istarman: Randy and Rachel Jordan
istarman: Me and Patrick
istarman: Greetings from Downtown Disney
istarman: The line on day one
istarman: This was the END of the line
istarman: The Guild
istarman: Cool costumes
istarman: Deluxe Randy
istarman: Patrick, Rachel, Molly, Me
istarman: Cooler costumes
istarman: I wasn't in it cuz I had to take it :D
istarman: Randy, Patrick, Molly, Me, Shawn
istarman: Neat statue
istarman: These were badass costumes
istarman: Me and Kat Hunter
istarman: Molly and Nicole
istarman: Molly, Me, Nicole
istarman: Me and Molly on DirecTV-Blizzcon '08
istarman: Molly and two Night Elves