Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara boarding the plane for the flight to the United States, 19.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: Bouquet sent by the First Lady, Michelle Obama to PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara upon their arrival in Washington D.C., 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu holds talks with President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu holds talks with President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu holds talks with President Obama at the White House, 20.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets with his advisors at Blair House following President Obama's AIPAC speech, 22.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets with his advisors at Blair House following President Obama's AIPAC speech, 22.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara take a walk in Roosevelt Park, stopping by important sites and memorials along the way, 22.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara take a walk in Roosevelt Park, stopping by important sites and memorials along the way, 22.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara take a walk in Roosevelt Park, stopping by important sites and memorials along the way, 22.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice-President Joe Biden at the White House, 23.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu, VP Biden and their advisors hold talks at the White House, 23.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu addresses AIPAC's 2011 Policy Conference, 23.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu's addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress, 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu's addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress, 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu's addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress, 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu receives applause during his speech before a joint session of Congress (front row, center: Mrs. Sara Netanyahu), 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu's addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress, 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: Receiving congratulations following the address, 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: Receiving congratulations following the address, 24.5.11.
Prime Minister of Israel: Following the address, PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara with United States Vice-President Joe Biden, 24.5.11
Prime Minister of Israel: PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara exit Congress, 24.5.11.