isoglossia: Alek departs
isoglossia: 'Stop building cwap!'
isoglossia: Turning the corner
isoglossia: Gorgeous Mladost
isoglossia: Business Park, Sofia
isoglossia: Landscape with advertising
isoglossia: Ring Road traffic
isoglossia: Sofia outskirts
isoglossia: Autodidact
isoglossia: Blocks of Flats
isoglossia: All mod cons
isoglossia: Finally out of Sofia
isoglossia: Northwestern Bulgaria
isoglossia: Almost out of Bulgaria
isoglossia: Southern Serbia
isoglossia: More Serbia
isoglossia: Traffic
isoglossia: Truck
isoglossia: Failing light
isoglossia: Ready for bed
isoglossia: Buca progress
isoglossia: Serbian cloud formation
isoglossia: Serbian signage with char-woman
isoglossia: Leaving Crnoklište
isoglossia: The hills are alive with the noise of 1600 ISO
isoglossia: More noisy hills
isoglossia: You get the idea
isoglossia: The gorge
isoglossia: Last shot of the night