IslesPunkFan: Captree Tour Ships Waiting to Leave
IslesPunkFan: Waiting to Leave
IslesPunkFan: The Nancy Gee
IslesPunkFan: The Nancy Gee Setting Off
IslesPunkFan: Pilings
IslesPunkFan: The Captree Star 3 Setting Off
IslesPunkFan: Captree Star 3
IslesPunkFan: Sunset Over the Pier
IslesPunkFan: Sunset Over the Bay
IslesPunkFan: Sunset
IslesPunkFan: Green Islands
IslesPunkFan: The Tugboat and the Lighthouse
IslesPunkFan: On the Water
IslesPunkFan: Tugboat
IslesPunkFan: Distant Lighthouse
IslesPunkFan: At the Horizon
IslesPunkFan: Lighthouse and Tour Boats
IslesPunkFan: Laura Lee
IslesPunkFan: Laura Lee
IslesPunkFan: Laura Lee
IslesPunkFan: Towards the Lighthouse
IslesPunkFan: Sunset Over the Bay
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse III
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse II
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse - Distant
IslesPunkFan: Captree Tour Boats
IslesPunkFan: Fire Island Lighthouse and Boats