IslesPunkFan: Fork in the Path
IslesPunkFan: To the Cloisters
IslesPunkFan: Twisted Path and Wall
IslesPunkFan: The Cloisters
IslesPunkFan: Lion Passant
IslesPunkFan: Doorway Arch
IslesPunkFan: Retable with Scenes from the Life of St. Andrew
IslesPunkFan: Baptismal Font
IslesPunkFan: The Temptation of Christ by the Devil
IslesPunkFan: The Miracle of Christ Raising Lazarus from the Dead
IslesPunkFan: Three Kings from an Adoration Group
IslesPunkFan: Apse
IslesPunkFan: The Adoration of the Magi
IslesPunkFan: Portal to the Lion
IslesPunkFan: Lion Relief
IslesPunkFan: Portal and Font
IslesPunkFan: Altar and Cross
IslesPunkFan: The Virgin and Child
IslesPunkFan: Fuentiduena Apse Window
IslesPunkFan: Fuentiduena Apse
IslesPunkFan: Cloister from Saint-Gilhem-le-Desert
IslesPunkFan: Portal to Another Door
IslesPunkFan: Relief with the Annunciation
IslesPunkFan: Cloister from Saint-Gilhem-le-Desert
IslesPunkFan: Portion of a Pilaster with an Acrobat
IslesPunkFan: Seated Figure (Prophet or Apostle?)
IslesPunkFan: Looking Out at the Hudson River
IslesPunkFan: Vaulted Walkway
IslesPunkFan: Three Shields with Coat of Arms
IslesPunkFan: Cloister Corner