Shibu Bhattacharjee: নোলক... ও তারা... Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: বাংলার মুখ... Face of Bangaladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: বাংলার মুখ
Shibu Bhattacharjee: বাংলার মুখ... Face of Bangaladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: বাংলার মুখ
Shibu Bhattacharjee: বাংলার মুখ
Shibu Bhattacharjee: শলা পরামশ'
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Face of Bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: face of bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: face of bangladesh
Shibu Bhattacharjee: she wait for his sun
Shibu Bhattacharjee: face of bangladesh (75)
Shibu Bhattacharjee: face of bangladesh (85)
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Picture 182
Shibu Bhattacharjee: Copy of DSC00454
Shibu Bhattacharjee: flad in dinajpur 1991
Shibu Bhattacharjee: flad in dinajpur 1991