IskrakO: Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale, 0128, f. 041v. Chansonnier (1542)
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IskrakO: Amiens, Bibliothèque municipale, 0165, detail of f. 026v. Graduel festif à l’usage de Notre-Dame la Riche de Tours. 16th/17th century
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IskrakO: Toulouse, Bibliothèque municipale, 0096, detail of f. 048. Dominican missal. End of the 15th century
IskrakO: Вook of hours, England ca. 1300. Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, W.102, fol. 93r
IskrakO: Demons as musician, Taymouth Hours, The British Library, London. BL Yates Thompson MS 13, fol. 140 (14th century English).
IskrakO: Torment of the Lecherous Woman, Taymouth Hours BL Yates Thompson MS 13, fol. 141v (14th century English). Tempera and gold leaf on parchment. The British Library, London.
IskrakO: Book of Hours, late 15th century Flanders.
IskrakO: Calendrier des bergers (Paris, 1493). Punishment of the slothful (top) and the lustful (bottom).
IskrakO: Missal, Use of the diocese of Rodez. 1479.
IskrakO: Bibl. Mazarine
IskrakO: Bibl. Sainte-Geneviève. Pontifical of Guillaume Durand / before 1390
IskrakO: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 1173, two initials from f. 52r. Horae ad usum Parisiensem. France, 1475-1500.
IskrakO: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 1173, two initials from f. 52r. Horae ad usum Parisiensem. France, 1475-1500.
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IskrakO: Fabulous animal. Lewis E 102, F.L.P.
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