IskrakO: Сфинкс
IskrakO: AN00975814_001_l
IskrakO: Persepolis
IskrakO: 1039837_original
IskrakO: Sphinx probably a table support Roman 120-140 CE from Monte Cagnolo outside Lanuvium near Rome, Italy by mharrsch on Flickr.
IskrakO: DP115141
IskrakO: 822459_original
IskrakO: 722521_original
IskrakO: Goblet with musicians and sphinxes. Rey, Iran, C12th-13th (via Réunion des musées nationaux)
IskrakO: Эдип и Сфинкс. 1450
IskrakO: 59.33.1_PS1
IskrakO: Мраморный Сфинкс (Возможно поддержка таблицы) 120-140 н.э. Римский Британский музей
IskrakO: Large Sphinx of Naxos sitting on an Ionic column circa 560 B.C. Delphi Archaeological Museum.
IskrakO: 71.489
IskrakO: 71.489
IskrakO: 12446573054mysunsin_17869a6399_b
IskrakO: 12446573054mysunsin_17869a6399_b
IskrakO: C0192-02
IskrakO: groenling Le Puy-Notre-Dame, misericord
IskrakO: AN01091660_001_l
IskrakO: DT6726
IskrakO: groenling Beverley, Yorkshire
IskrakO: DP223155
IskrakO: DP242216
IskrakO: 2000.660
IskrakO: Ain Dara - Syria. Emily & Michael Dziedzic.
IskrakO: ES6283
IskrakO: DP244024
IskrakO: Striding sphinx. Phoenician, 899–700 B.C. From Nimrud, Fort Shalmaneser, Room SW 11/12. Ivory. H 6.9 cm, W 7.75 cm. ME 134322. The Trustees of the British Museum.
IskrakO: Sphinx, cast, modeled, and carved fritware painted in an opaque white and a turquoise glaze Syria, Raqqa; 2nd half of 12th century. MUSEUM DAVIDMUS.