IskrakO: 18век
IskrakO: 26-01-05/37
IskrakO: 3376533927_803709868d_o
IskrakO: 3392167199_d8f065f92b_o
IskrakO: dlo
IskrakO: index (5)
IskrakO: PAT171p487
IskrakO: People with one large foot
IskrakO: Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 291, detail of f. 75v. Rabanus Maurus, De rerum naturis. 1425
IskrakO: 0_730e9_bdcebd73_L
IskrakO: 0_730ea_d402f43c_L
IskrakO: 32-01-04/31
IskrakO: 31-03-01/47
IskrakO: Warsaw_Sirene_1659
IskrakO: Mercator, Gerardus, 1512-1594. Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris a I. Hondio plurimis aeneis tabulis auctus atque illustratus. Amsterodami : excusum in aedibus Iudoci Hondii, veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai, item apud Ioannem Ianssoniu[m] Arnhemi, 1610.
IskrakO: Gautier de Coinci, Les Miracles de Notre Dame & Vie des Pères French, 13th century Besancon, Bibliothèque municipale, 0551
IskrakO: Bible, France ca. 1270-1290. Bibliothèque d’Agglomération de Saint-Omer, Ms. 5, fol. 246r
IskrakO: A_Mythical_Creature_Killing_Elephants_LACMA_M.85.115.2
IskrakO: F1957.16.68
IskrakO: Salamanca
IskrakO: Саламандра. 1270.
IskrakO: zhl-0042_109v
IskrakO: Chambéry - Musée Savoisien - inv. 977-1-1, f. 059 Heures à l'usage de Rome. - Hybrides anthropomorphe et zoomorphe
IskrakO: Paris, BnF, Arsenal 2682 f. 34. Philippe de Mézières, Le songe du vieil pélerin
IskrakO: Alexander is admonished by "a flying creature in the form of a man" to turn back his quest. From the Armenian translation of the Alexander Romance. Manchester, John Rylands Library, Arm 3 f. 108v
IskrakO: 05 bosch saint anthony prado #reatt bruege-l
IskrakO: Detail from The Temptation of Saint Anthony by Hieronymus Bosch (Madrid)
IskrakO: Dortmund, Petrikirche, altar, painted panels, #10 Das Goldene Wunder, as the altar is called, measures 5.65x7.4m when fully opened, and contains 36 painted panels & 36 sculptured panels, plus a number of painted panels on the ousides of the closed shutter
IskrakO: Dortmund, Petrikirche, altar, painted panels, #10 Das Goldene Wunder, as the altar is called, measures 5.65x7.4m when fully opened, and contains 36 painted panels & 36 sculptured panels, plus a number of painted panels on the ousides of the closed shutter
IskrakO: 889825_original