IskrakO: Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 291, detail of f. 170v. Rabanus Maurus, De rerum naturis. 1425
IskrakO: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Français 2810 f.223r (Tibetan burial). John Mandeville, Voyages. Paris, c1410-1412.
IskrakO: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 2643, detail of f. 11r (Execution of Hugh Despenser the Younger). Chroniques sire Jehan Froissart. Bruges, c.1470-75.
IskrakO: 222
IskrakO: 333
IskrakO: DP241048
IskrakO: Безымянный
IskrakO: F1954.96
IskrakO: F1954.93
IskrakO: F1954.92
IskrakO: F1954.112
IskrakO: 18th C. Turkish dental book
IskrakO: Athanasius Kircher Ars magna lucis Roma 1665
IskrakO: Страница манускрипта о страшном суде 1450- 1470
IskrakO: Quentin Matsys, Dutch, 1466-1530, An Allegory of Folly, early 16th century
IskrakO: Иллюстрация к французской рукописи 1451 года.
IskrakO: Saint, demon and angel, 19th century
IskrakO: A Jewish Woman Devouring Her Child during the Siege of Jerusalem
IskrakO: The Book of Wonders of the Age (St Andrews), 17th or 18th century, Persian manuscript, Iran.
IskrakO: The Book of Wonders of the Age (St Andrews), 17th or 18th century, Persian manuscript, Iran.
IskrakO: The Book of Wonders of the Age (St Andrews), 17th or 18th century, Persian manuscript, Iran.
IskrakO: The Book of Wonders of the Age (St Andrews), 17th or 18th century, Persian manuscript, Iran.
IskrakO: The Book of Wonders of the Age (St Andrews), 17th or 18th century, Persian manuscript, Iran.
IskrakO: Barthélémy l'Anglais, Livre des propriétés des choses, 1230 à 1240
IskrakO: tumblr_me4f5vD5f91rz74xjo1_500
IskrakO: Xv_escuela francesa_miniatura
IskrakO: Le Livre des hystoires du Mirouer du monde, Paris 15th century. BnF, Français 328, fol. 10r
IskrakO: tumblr_miybtgPCGG1rqxd5ko1_1280
IskrakO: Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, Flanders ca. 1470-1480. Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 1139, fol. 134r