isisjem22: Going through make up stash
isisjem22: Emptied make up case
isisjem22: Shelves emptied of jeans/jeggings, jumpers and night clothes
isisjem22: Piles ready to go through
isisjem22: Piles ready to go through
isisjem22: Stuff I'm keeping organised and back on the shelves
isisjem22: Sorting out my clothes
isisjem22: Bedside TBR pile
isisjem22: sorted!
isisjem22: Bag to the clothes bank
isisjem22: Joe did a big clean
isisjem22: Joe did a big clean
isisjem22: Cupboard reorganisation
isisjem22: Cupboard reorganisation
isisjem22: Ridiculous amount of take away containers
isisjem22: Kitchen decluttering July 2023
isisjem22: Kitchen decluttering July 2023
isisjem22: Kitchen decluttering July 2023