ishiku: rain?
ishiku: dinner with the dahodwalas
ishiku: mom & nafisa faaji
ishiku: dad giving a usual
ishiku: dad still giving a usual
ishiku: congrats bro!
ishiku: mancala shark
ishiku: & that's all he gets of the mango ice cream!
ishiku: um...seriously?
ishiku: the colors of my world
ishiku: dad's found himself a faux grandkid in the hood
ishiku: buddhist jigsaw puzzle
ishiku: puzzle balls
ishiku: go buddha!
ishiku: no1!
ishiku: baby buddha
ishiku: festival view
ishiku: calligraphers
ishiku: calligraphers 2
ishiku: mom found a faux grandkid 2
ishiku: beancakes
ishiku: instant indeed
ishiku: camera shy
ishiku: click
ishiku: laughing family
ishiku: just dad
ishiku: kissy family
ishiku: silly parents
ishiku: father & son
ishiku: my bro & i