ishiku: marcus in his natural element
ishiku: the cover of a romance novel called oilcan harry's
ishiku: this is not where a shark should be...or where i should be either
ishiku: rey & i
ishiku: marcus rey & vania
ishiku: faces i sometimes make
ishiku: smushedup papr kiss
ishiku: no idea why they are licking the sky
ishiku: comedy central
ishiku: dramaqueens
ishiku: brighteyed
ishiku: chia love
ishiku: no idea why he's on tha floor
ishiku: no idea how he got up there
ishiku: get down
ishiku: enough booty
ishiku: sarah
ishiku: lisa bleu chia poster
ishiku: natural pole dancer
ishiku: polvosbutt series
ishiku: polvosbutt series 2
ishiku: not sure what he's doing to that innocent car
ishiku: champagne or forties...