ishatter: favorites
ishatter: fuck denton
ishatter: ruben is strong
ishatter: 100,000!
ishatter: faggy locks
ishatter: size 15
ishatter: bonani adventure
ishatter: suburban dallas 9/11 memorial
ishatter: he say choooo choooo twainnn
ishatter: minced luncheon loaf
ishatter: ughhh
ishatter: jack likes to chase squirrels
ishatter: :(
ishatter: i love you michael
ishatter: reunion arena
ishatter: explode
ishatter: Daley Plaza
ishatter: downtown
ishatter: rawr
ishatter: justin looking for dead jewish relatives
ishatter: hyatt roof
ishatter: airbrushed
ishatter: kitten suprise
ishatter: justin + eric
ishatter: u2canb1
ishatter: 4th of july
ishatter: eric loves H-mart
ishatter: squirt
ishatter: hmart = trusted to take care of family's health
ishatter: kissy