Iseult: Mischievous May
Iseult: Lacy grazing on pond grasses
Iseult: Pebbles - June 1, 1995 - July 8, 2009
Iseult: Pebs - you will be missed
Iseult: Pebs planning her next move
Iseult: Pebbles following the shoreline
Iseult: Pebs finds a scent
Iseult: Pebbles wading
Iseult: Pebbles exploring
Iseult: Pebbles
Iseult: Pebbles & Cherry
Iseult: A Beagle nose at work
Iseult: Pebs rolling in the grass
Iseult: Pebs enjoying a late June afternoon
Iseult: Pebbles
Iseult: Lacy cooling off
Iseult: May on the look out for skunks
Iseult: Lacy & May playing
Iseult: Late Afternoon Walk in December
Iseult: May in her favorite morning spot
Iseult: May goes back to bed
Iseult: May cooling off in the horse watering trough
Iseult: May & Lacy cooling off together
Iseult: Me and my shadow..
Iseult: Lacy with fish
Iseult: The Dog Days of Summer..
Iseult: Pebbles
Iseult: Dog reflections...
Iseult: Dog reflections...
Iseult: Pond walk on a hot day...