iseeadarkness: habemus papam_1
iseeadarkness: habemus papam_2
iseeadarkness: habemus papam_3
iseeadarkness: habemus papam_4
iseeadarkness: habemus papam_5
iseeadarkness: Andrea e Maria Antonietta_1
iseeadarkness: Maria Antonietta e Silvia_1
iseeadarkness: Andrea e Maria Antonietta_2
iseeadarkness: Andrea learns how to eat a strawberry
iseeadarkness: Andrea and the strawberry_part 2
iseeadarkness: Our Pope has TWO AUREOLES!!!
iseeadarkness: TWO AUREOLES!
iseeadarkness: Cutting the birthday cake!
iseeadarkness: "Hey! Why don't we go to see the deers?"
iseeadarkness: A cool t-shirt!
iseeadarkness: Three deers?
iseeadarkness: Marco's takin' a picture of the three deers
iseeadarkness: Hurry up @soulplace!
iseeadarkness: Under the black stone
iseeadarkness: Almost on the top of the world
iseeadarkness: WHOEEEEHHHH!!!
iseeadarkness: Look over there!
iseeadarkness: @appociappo, Marco and Silvia
iseeadarkness: (No words)
iseeadarkness: Silvia in a ray of light
iseeadarkness: The three graces
iseeadarkness: Andrea e Marco taking pictures of the 3 Graces
iseeadarkness: Look! A bird? An airplane? Superman?
iseeadarkness: One day these mountains will be...