Dafydd Penguin: Higgledy-piggledy.......
Manuel.Martin_72: Fate and Destiny
01937100-Thanks for your 10 MILLIONS visits: Goutte de rosee sur TULIPE orange-Hacienda.
01937100-Thanks for your 10 MILLIONS visits: CROCUS violet strie de blanc-Hacienda.
ingrid eulenfan: Portrait
paul_taberner_photography: Tree reflection
David Swift Photography: WWNJ5-070-33A
Rodolfo Ribas: Soft and Hard
Oleg.A: Abandoned Church in a winter landscape.
Wendelin Jacober: Orient Express
Jesus_l: Sólo mírame a los ojos
rumimume: Family Photos
alainroyparis: DSC_9967 , Passage Dauphine . 30 Rue Dauphine , Paris , 6ème
Earl Reinink: Nuthatch on a stump..
WJMcIntosh: The Tower, The Moon, And The Star
M a r i k o: Moods of Autumn
Ann and Chris: Red Kite - Diving In (and keeping an 'eye' on the camera)
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL2481 Misty Morning Stag..
Luana 0201: the bridge
Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Multicolores - Caleta Punta Estaquilla (Patagonia - Chile)
judi may: 56/100: Tying up the loose ends...
sampayanchristian: Leaves or flower? I wonder.