isado: human face? / 人面蜘蛛?
isado: Luna Moth / 月の女神
isado: Luna Moth / 月の女神
isado: Luna Moth / 月の女神
isado: Fight me!
isado: metal jacket
isado: digger wasp / ジガバチ
isado: 4. while yearning after his native soil
isado: 3. to ease hunger
isado: 2. he has come
isado: 1. from the sky
isado: Can you see me?
isado: brothers
isado: in rock armor
isado: katydid / ヤブキリ
isado: Where are you from?
isado: モンキアゲハ
isado: モンキアゲハ
isado: stick insect / ナナフシ
isado: stick insect / ナナフシ
isado: Geisha / 芸者
isado: Geisha / 芸者
isado: Leoninus Skipper
isado: Leoninus Skipper
isado: at lunch