isado: piya
isado: cactus
isado: kikazaru
isado: here before.
isado: water lily 1
isado: water lily 2
isado: water lily 3
isado: fox's wedding / 狐の嫁入り
isado: fox's wedding2 / 狐の嫁入り2
isado: At the end of the weekend jaunt
isado: smoking chimney at night
isado: smoking chimney in evening
isado: power lines
isado: blue sky or thermal power plant?
isado: the lonely handcart has nothing to do / 魚市場の午後は手持ちぶさた
isado: steel horsetails / 鉄のつくし
isado: no guardrail in the left side / あぶない橋を渡る?
isado: white & red / 紅白!
isado: Power lines' rhapsody / 高圧線のラプソディー
isado: "ICE! You can eat" / 食べられる氷?
isado: heavy tank at sunset
isado: waiting for the night alone
isado: blue
isado: teens hanging around in the park / 公園でたむろ
isado: rainy season 2
isado: warehouse
isado: warehouse