MissGarfield: His royal falconess | Ihre königliche Falkenheit
MissGarfield: Vulture in charge / Geier vom Dienst
MissGarfield: Eyes of prey | Jagdfieber
MissGarfield: Watching you, buster! | Ich hab ein Auge auf dich, Freundchen!
MissGarfield: Lunchtime | Mahlzeit
MissGarfield: Thus spoke Zarathustra | Also sprach Zarathustra ( great grey owl | Bartkauz (Strix nebulosa) )
MissGarfield: Be quiet, please !
MissGarfield: Greedy Eyes | Cinereous Vulture - Mönchsgeier (Aegypius monachus)
MissGarfield: Majestic spirit | black-chested buzzard-eagle - Blaubussard (Geranoaetus melanoleucus)
MissGarfield: Eurasian hobby - Baumfalke (Falco subbuteo
MissGarfield: Vulture on watch | Bearded vulture youngster - junger Bartgeier ( Gypaetus barbatus)
MissGarfield: Awakening (Preview) |Sibirischer Uhu - Eurasian eagle-owl ( Bubo bubo )
MissGarfield: Bartkauz - great grey owl | Strix nebulosa
MissGarfield: Grandeur | Weisskopfseeadler - bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
MissGarfield: Battlecry | Weisskopfseeadler - bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus )
MissGarfield: His Ear-ness | Waldohreule - long eared owl ( Asio otus )
MissGarfield: Turmfalke-common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
MissGarfield: Sperlingskauz - Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum)
MissGarfield: The real Hedwig | Schneeeule weiblich - snowy owl female (Bubo scandiacus)
MissGarfield: Turmfalke - common kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus )
MissGarfield: Waldkauz - tawny owl (Strix aluco)
MissGarfield: Baumfalke - eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo)
MissGarfield: Habicht - northern goshawk ♀ (Accipiter gentilis)
MissGarfield: Raufußkauz - Tengmalm's owl ( boreal owl ) (Aegolius funereus)
MissGarfield: Schreiadler - lesser spotted eagle ( Aquila pomarina )
MissGarfield: Sunda-Fischuhu - Malay fish owl (Bubo ketupu)
MissGarfield: Loving lion mom protecting chick | Uhu - eurasian eagle owl ( Bubo bubo )
MissGarfield: Kanincheneule - burrowing owl ( Athene cunicularia)
MissGarfield: Falklandkarakara - striated karakara - Johnny rook (Phalcoboenus australis)
MissGarfield: I am Fielmann | Brillenkauz - spectacled owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata)