isabel.henao: the texture of masses...
isabel.henao: the texture of masses...
isabel.henao: the texture of masses...
isabel.henao: the texture of masses...
isabel.henao: what happens in my dye tray (reloaded)
isabel.henao: what happens in my dye tray (reloaded)
isabel.henao: what happens in my dye tray (reloaded)
isabel.henao: in the making
isabel.henao: IMG_5096
isabel.henao: IMG_5071
isabel.henao: marangoni dress
isabel.henao: festival!
isabel.henao: the things that happen in my dye tray 2
isabel.henao: the things that happen in my dye tray 1
isabel.henao: sky pleats denim
isabel.henao: festival! textile experiment
isabel.henao: arashi textile experiment
isabel.henao: entreflores