BobbyChariot: I try on the lumberjack beard...
BobbyChariot: Bridal sash. Check. Wings. Check
BobbyChariot: Charlotte squared
BobbyChariot: Tollerator, Ian and Ivana
BobbyChariot: Low flying camera
BobbyChariot: I am smoking a fag
BobbyChariot: Kisses
BobbyChariot: Ladies and Gentlemen: the merkin
BobbyChariot: Overawed by green
BobbyChariot: Oh yeah, this is what we're talking about
BobbyChariot: The Hillenbrand and Will
BobbyChariot: The moment James asked the table…
BobbyChariot: IR branded pants
BobbyChariot: Serious clevage
BobbyChariot: So yellow
BobbyChariot: Note the flashing earring
BobbyChariot: And the earring passed on…
BobbyChariot: Arggh! There be pirates
BobbyChariot: And snot…
BobbyChariot: The bride to be
BobbyChariot: Yes, it's the ginger merkin
BobbyChariot: Does this photo do it justice?