IsaacCSanchez: Eastern Screech Owl (McCall's subspecies)
IsaacCSanchez: Fan-tailed Warbler (US rarity)
IsaacCSanchez: Bare-throated Tiger Heron(US rarity)
IsaacCSanchez: Gray-collared Becard (US rarity)
IsaacCSanchez: Roadside Hawk (a rarity in the US)
IsaacCSanchez: Roadside Hawk
IsaacCSanchez: Reddish Egret (white morph)
IsaacCSanchez: White Pelican
IsaacCSanchez: Great Kiskadee
IsaacCSanchez: Couch's Kingbird
IsaacCSanchez: Looking for a Bare-throated Tiger Heron on the Santa Margarita Ranch