IsaacCSanchez: Dusky Grouse
IsaacCSanchez: Dusky Grouse
IsaacCSanchez: Gunnison Sage-Grouse
IsaacCSanchez: Black Swift on nest
IsaacCSanchez: Lewis's Woodpecker
IsaacCSanchez: Lewis's Woodpecker
IsaacCSanchez: Lewis's Woodpecker
IsaacCSanchez: MacGillivary's Warbler
IsaacCSanchez: Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
IsaacCSanchez: Brown-capped Rosy-Finch
IsaacCSanchez: Gray-crowned Rosy Finch
IsaacCSanchez: Greater Sage-Grouse (drumming display)
IsaacCSanchez: Greater Sage Grouse
IsaacCSanchez: Greater Sage Grouse strutting his stuff and peeking out of one eye to see if any girls are paying attention.
IsaacCSanchez: Steller's Jay
IsaacCSanchez: White-breasted Nuthatch
IsaacCSanchez: Mountain Chickadee
IsaacCSanchez: Steller's Jay
IsaacCSanchez: Canada Jay
IsaacCSanchez: Pygmy Nuthatch
IsaacCSanchez: Townsend's Solataire
IsaacCSanchez: Young Great Horned Owl
IsaacCSanchez: Mountain Chickadee
IsaacCSanchez: Evening Grosbeak
IsaacCSanchez: Black-billed Magpie
IsaacCSanchez: Say's Phoebe
IsaacCSanchez: Yellow-headed Blackbird
IsaacCSanchez: Pygmy Nuthatch
IsaacCSanchez: Pygmy Nuthatch
IsaacCSanchez: Western Tanager