IsaacCSanchez: White-necked Jaobin (female)
IsaacCSanchez: Violet-bellied Hummingbird
IsaacCSanchez: Ruddy Ground Dove
IsaacCSanchez: Slaty-tailed Trogon
IsaacCSanchez: Olivaceous Woodcreeper
IsaacCSanchez: White-bellied Antbird (female)
IsaacCSanchez: White-bellied Antbird
IsaacCSanchez: Black-and-White Owl
IsaacCSanchez: Mealy Parrot
IsaacCSanchez: Stripe-throated Hermit
IsaacCSanchez: Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth
IsaacCSanchez: Howler Monkey
IsaacCSanchez: Long-billed Hermit
IsaacCSanchez: Yellow-tailed Oriole
IsaacCSanchez: Red-lored Parrot
IsaacCSanchez: Snail Kite
IsaacCSanchez: White-tailed Trogon
IsaacCSanchez: Refuscent Tiger Heron
IsaacCSanchez: Broad-billed Motmot
IsaacCSanchez: Geoffrey's Tamarin
IsaacCSanchez: Fasciated Antshrike (female)
IsaacCSanchez: Golden-collared Manakin
IsaacCSanchez: Fasciated Antshrike (male)
IsaacCSanchez: Crimson-crested Woodpecker (female)
IsaacCSanchez: Black-throated Trogon
IsaacCSanchez: Gartered Trogon
IsaacCSanchez: Dot-winged Antwren
IsaacCSanchez: Purple Gallinule
IsaacCSanchez: Panama City skyline
IsaacCSanchez: Canopy Tower in Panama with Larry & Sharon, Steve & Karen and the owner of the Canopy Family, Raul Arias de Para.