IsaacCSanchez: Hooded Warbler
IsaacCSanchez: Scarlet Tanager
IsaacCSanchez: Hooded Warbler
IsaacCSanchez: Scarlet Tanager
IsaacCSanchez: Hooded Warbler
IsaacCSanchez: Eastern Wood Pewee
IsaacCSanchez: Carolina Wren
IsaacCSanchez: Ovenbird
IsaacCSanchez: Ovenbird
IsaacCSanchez: Scarlet Tanager
IsaacCSanchez: American Goldfinch
IsaacCSanchez: White-breasted Nuthatch
IsaacCSanchez: Indigo Bunting
IsaacCSanchez: at the firetower
IsaacCSanchez: Nanny with 3 grandsons on Blackberry Mountain.
IsaacCSanchez: Conference table out in the woods!
IsaacCSanchez: Caleb Sanchez
IsaacCSanchez: Red Birch (where we stayed)