.Isabela.: leaf
.Isabela.: leaf
.Isabela.: plant
.Isabela.: trunk
.Isabela.: tiny twig
.Isabela.: If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn
.Isabela.: Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy.
.Isabela.: What is one to say about June...
.Isabela.: HBW everybody!!
.Isabela.: the itsy bitsy spider
.Isabela.: the view of an Ant
.Isabela.: autumnal face
.Isabela.: October's poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter.
.Isabela.: autumn dream
.Isabela.: HBW!
.Isabela.: Sparkle
.Isabela.: leaf wonderland
.Isabela.: the mushroom family
.Isabela.: vintage love
.Isabela.: I love...
.Isabela.: I love...
.Isabela.: Fairytale forest
.Isabela.: winter wonderland