irulethegalaxy: She's HEEEEERRRREEEEE. . .
irulethegalaxy: hey, lady. . .
irulethegalaxy: not so great pic with an arty crop
irulethegalaxy: she looks a bit demanding to me LOL
irulethegalaxy: leafy background
irulethegalaxy: Is it just me, or does she look a wee bit sneaky here?
irulethegalaxy: out and about
irulethegalaxy: sunlight makes her hair very golden
irulethegalaxy: thoughtful
irulethegalaxy: So, what do we think of naming her Wendy?
irulethegalaxy: Sooooo....
irulethegalaxy: caution!
irulethegalaxy: caution!
irulethegalaxy: lovely girl
irulethegalaxy: Instant besties? 3-365
irulethegalaxy: and yeah. . .
irulethegalaxy: blondies