irreference: Romance! Heartbreak! T-shirts!
irreference: Feed Your Brain! The PPZ T
irreference: The Posters, The T-shirts...
irreference: Nom nom nom...
irreference: The aftermath.
irreference: Sea Monsters take over NYC...and most of the Mid-Atlantic region
irreference: Quirk Classics, lined up all in a row
irreference: Cheetah-print Squids Invade!
irreference: Author Ben H. Winters after a riveting performance
irreference: Meeting of the Minds: Jason Rekulak and Ben Winters
irreference: PPZ & SSSM
irreference: Packed House!
irreference: The Sea Monsters reading, Part 2
irreference: The Sea Monsters reading, Part 1
irreference: The squid and the lobster duel
irreference: Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
irreference: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Deluxe Heirloom Edition
irreference: PPZ Deluxe Heirloom Edition
irreference: Publicity Mailing
irreference: Jason Rekulak and Sea Monsters
irreference: Zombies love us!
irreference: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in its natural habitat
irreference: Zombie shirt
irreference: Two Thumbs Up...
irreference: Zombies on parade...
irreference: The Watchmen love us!
irreference: Elizabethe Bennet
irreference: Elizabeth Bennet
irreference: Elizabeth Bennet
irreference: Quirk Booth